I’ve posted previously about how to get a military ID card, but what about getting a veteran’s identification card? An official government-issued card would be helpful in proving your military service, and eliminate the need to carry your DD-214 with you.
On July 9, 2015, Congress passed the Veteran’s Identification Card Act of 2015. This law, sponsored by Rep. Vern Buchanan, establishes the creation of a U.S. veterans’ ID card and has now been presented to the President for his signature. Once signed, the bill becomes law.
The new identification cards will not replace the VA medical cards, and do not guarantee entitlement to any veteran’s benefits. It will, however, make verification of military service easier.
There are some who feel the cards are unnecessary and the VA will be burdened with requests once the law is official. This new demand on the department, it has been suggested, will take away from resources who could otherwise be working on other VA claims.
The bill authorizes a fee to be collected for the issuance of the new veteran’s ID card. The fee is directed to be whatever amount the Secretary of Defense “determines is necessary to issue an identification card” and has not been announced.